My Journey…

A cancer diagnosis was a turning point in my life. With only 24 hours left to live, I faced emergency surgery and gruelling chemotherapy. But as I began my journey toward recovery, I realized that it was up to me to heal my mind and create a healthier body. I had to dig deep and believe that I deserved to live.

This was the beginning of my true healing journey, where I learned the power of self-compassion. Along with intense chemotherapy, I started deep self-development work, including EFT, reading books, completing courses, and gaining my Reiki certification. Daily meditation became a habit and I started setting healthy boundaries and putting myself first.

Tap Into Health

As cancer treatment came to an end, the world plunged into the chaos of the first coronavirus lockdown. Amidst the solitude, I found solace in a circle of fellow single women. Through virtual meetups, we became a source of strength for each other, offering support and empathy in abundance. Intrigued by my unwavering positivity, they sought to uncover the secrets behind my resilience. And so, I began sharing the very magic that had guided me through my own trials and tribulations.

I freely shared my techniques and became a listening ear for anyone in need, kind of like a self-help hotline with a side of sarcasm. Witnessing the profound transformations and positive shifts in these awesome ladies, I had an epiphany - this was my calling in life. I was destined to empower others, guiding them on their journey to self-healing and discovering their innate inner strength.

While I have found fulfilment in my role as a mindset and manifestation coach in the last few years, there was a lingering sense of incompleteness. I realized I was neglecting a fundamental aspect of my identity - my passion for writing.

Upon formulating a strategy to develop a video course, I had a sudden revelation - without even realizing it, I had begun writing chapters for a book. And now, here I stand, ready and excited AF to release my autobiographical self-help medley into the world.

I'm beyond excited to share the secrets behind my abundant, spiritual, sexy, fun, passionate, and optimistic lifestyle. Everyone deserves happiness and fulfilment, regardless of their challenges or misfortunes. This book is your key to unlocking ultimate happiness and reclaiming your birthright to joy and abundance.

Sign up for the newsletter and follow me on social media to be the first to hear about the launch! Ill see you there!