10 tips to develop lucky girl syndrome… from a lucky girl

My name is Starla and I have lucky girl syndrome.

I remember watching Deadpool 2 and being introduced to the character of Domino, played by the incredible Zazie Beetz. I couldn't help but think about how powerful it would be to adopt a similar superpower, believing that I am lucky and that everything always works out for me, no matter what. The more mindset tools I used, the more the idea of a permanent lucky girl syndrome became ingrained in my being. And today I stand here before you, a very lucky girl indeed!

But what IS Lucky girl syndrome?

Turning yourself into a lucky girl is more than just believing that you are lucky. There may be some roadblocks or limiting beliefs that you need to identify and overcome before you can fully embrace the idea of being a lucky girl. Essentially, Lucky Girl Syndrome is another term for the law of assumption, which states that as soon as you can get into the mindset of believing that you can have and be whatever and whoever you want, the closer you will be to achieving it.

Lucky Girl Syndrome refers to a feeling of luck or good fortune in one's life, often accompanied by feelings of gratitude and positivity. This feeling can be powerful, leading to:

  • Increased confidence

  • Motivation

  • Optimism

  • A sense of purpose

  • Manifesting your dream life

However, it can also be fleeting and hard to maintain.

Here are 10 things you can do today on your journey to becoming a Lucky Girl.

  1. Flip your thoughts. Every time a thought comes to mind that counteracts your lucky girl persona, flip it into something that aligns. For example “ Nothing good ever comes into my life” VS “ Everything always works out no matter what”.

  2. Use daily EFT tapping. EFT will help you to work out what your true belief systems are, and if they align with the lucky girl persona or not, it will also help you to boost good feelings and vibrations which will then attract more of the good stuff on a regular basis.. hence you will then become a lucky girl.

  3. Journal it out. Start to write out the life you desire and cross-examine the dream life with your life now. This will help you to work out where any self-saboteurs are hiding so you can diminish them quickly.

  4. Raise your vibration. The better you feel about yourself, your life, and your current circumstances and mindfully living in the moment will boost your lucky girl powers immensely. Watch funny media, not media that makes you feel sad, or angry or raises your cortisol levels too much too often. Dance to music that makes you feel empowered and truly alive! Meditate, and exercise, move your body and go for walks that make you feel connected to nature.

  5. Boost your confidence by boosting your self-compassion. Lucky girls like me truly love themselves, they seldom if ever put themselves down, always boost others, give themselves the care and attention they need without looking for outside validation, and immerse themselves in beautiful feminine energy flow.

  6. Step into your feminine energy. There seems to have been some confusion around feminine energy and what it actually means, so I will definitely do a podcast and blog specifically on this topic soon however one distinct thing about lucky girls is their ability to be in flow with life, acceptance, patience and attracting everything they want with little to no effort. Focus on yourself, your goals, and your dreams, and become truly magnetic.

  7. Letting it go. Lucky girls know how to re-balance and truly enjoy life. We don’t get caught up in wondering where our manifestations are or when they are going to arrive, we simply know and believe that what we want is always on its way. We don’t have time to worry or fret, and we certainly don’t get wound up by the small perceived challenges in life, because we know without a doubt it is all part of the process.

  8. We don’t listen to naysayers. If a friend, colleague, or family member doesn’t have the syndrome then we don't pay attention to their opinions if they are not supportive of our dreams. We live from our own beliefs and perspectives, and are happy this way… after all, we get everything we want OR better, and that’s all that matters. We have respect for other people’s opinions we just don’t adopt them as our own.

  9. Lucky girl together. We also understand the importance of Lucky Girling it together, sharing is caring, so the more people you can socialize with that also have lucky girl syndrome the more likely you are to get it too!

  10. Adopting a gratitude attitude. This is one of the most important things you can do every day, start being grateful for what you have, how you are, what your health levels are currently, the money ( no matter how much or how little) in your bank, the family you have, your relationships… all of it. Double down on the gratitude process and really feel into everything you are grateful for, and why!! The why is VERY important. I use gratitude every day, in different ways and it truly is one of the most powerful energies you can work with. It makes dreams come true and creates a constant state of inner happiness and worthiness.

People put you down enough, you start to believe it
— Vivian - Pretty Woman

The quickest way to become a lucky girl today

The best way to maximize the benefits of Lucky Girl Syndrome and to fully embody it is by using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as "tapping."

EFT is a form of psychological acupressure that involves tapping on specific points of the body while focusing on a specific issue or emotion. By using EFT in conjunction with feelings of luck and good fortune, individuals can:

  • Work through any negative emotions or limiting beliefs that may be preventing you from fully embracing and maintaining your Lucky Girl Syndrome.

  • Increase feelings of gratitude and positivity, which are key components of Lucky Girl Syndrome.

  • Strengthen your ability to feel these emotions and make them more accessible in your everyday life.

In addition to the benefits of EFT itself, working with a self-confessed “Lucky Girl” on a regular basis can further enhance the effects of Lucky Girl Syndrome. By joining the monthly membership program "Untapped," YOU have the opportunity to work with me weekly to:

  • Address issues or concerns preventing you from feeling super lucky

  • Receive guidance and support so you know exactly how to become a lucky girl

  • Track your progress and measure success with a group of other lucky girls.

Through "Untapped," YOU will have the opportunity to fully embody Lucky Girl Syndrome and make it a permanent part of your life. With the combination of EFT and weekly guidance, you will be able to release any limiting beliefs or negative emotions that may be preventing you from fully embracing your luck and positivity, and living a more fulfilled, empowered, and very lucky life.

Nice to meet you … Lucky Girl


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